Archeriga-Dream Time Festival
Bring us back to Ancient Future
Regarding the Event:
The inspiration for this festival was bestowed upon me last year during my encounter with the humpback whales.
I had a momentary eye contact with a large female whale as she swam right beneath me.
That brief moment subtly but surely stirred something within me. In the book "Archeringa," it is said that these whales are distant ancestors predating the existence of humans.
Her wise and gentle eye captured my heart and reminded me of the intention I held when I left my country in 2013: to go to Byron Bay as a representative of my Japanese sisters and brothers.
Amidst the challenges of fluctuating health and the devastating floods following the pandemic, I had momentarily forgotten my mission. However, the reunion with this Ocean Soul reminded me of my "VISION" to bring our sisters and brother souls here, to Cavanbah, to remember who we really are, and to co-create an "Ancient Future."
10th, Aug Sat 2024
Archeringa-Dream Time Festival
"Our HOME is not just one place, but we have many beautiful gardens of GAIA."
This message was received from the whales, majestic pilgrims of the ocean.
I believe that "Cavanbah" is the land where we can reconnect and remember our Birth Vision, Samkalpa, and the intentions of our souls. This festival will serve as a ceremony to bring together sister and brother souls as One Family, all children of mother earth.
In Japan, we have a concept called "Koto-Dama," which is a word with spirit.
Mico Sundari (myself) and Lata Ceremonica, a Japanese dancer and teacher, will bring our "Kotodama Choir" (a group of singers and dancers) to the shire.
Through collaboration with amazing international and local, Aboriginal artists, we aim to co-create our Sanctuary, a space of "Archeringa" - Dreamtime, sharing ancient songs and dances with each other.
Artist Profile
Lata Ceremonica (Nara, Japan)
Dance artist, Dance Medicine founder
Born in 1981, Lata Ceremonica grew up in a Montessori education kindergarten. From a young age, she began exploring body work, starting with classical ballet.
She graduated from the Dance Department of Japan Women's Physical Education University. While working as a dancer and choreographer in Tokyo, she traveled to India in 2004 and encountered Tantra Yoga. Over the course of five years, she traveled the world solely through dance,
immersing herself in meditation and dance training. During her travels, she was guided to various folk dances and shamanic rituals from different countries. This completely changed the meaning of dance and life for her, leading up to the present. Since 2016, she has been creating an energy-circulating yoga studio through self-building in the rural
mountains of Niigata. She also started a place of learning for yoga and dance, where people can experience self-building and a farming lifestyle. In 2021, her yoga center and home, which she had spent five years creating, were destroyed in a fire, which prompted her to start connecting with the unseen world in a more profound way. She began traveling around the country, engaging in ceremonial activities. Through shamanic works such as Dance Medicine and Dakini Breath, she offers retreats and workshops nationwide to heal and liberate the collective consciousness of women and help people return to love and harmony, as well as unleash the power of expression.
Kotodama Choir (Japan)
Led by mico sundari and Lata Ceremonica, a group of 10 choir members and dance teams.